Greetings Divas.
I was pleasantly surprised to day to find that I had received a blogger award. So I would like to thank Erin over at My Personal Weight Loss Journey for giving me this award. I feel soo special. Check out Erin's blog shes an awesome person and is doing well on her healthiness journey.
The rules of the award:
* Thank the person who gave you this award, and link back to them in your post.
* Tell us 10 things about yourself.
* Nominate your bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers, and let them know they received this award.
So here goes the 10 things about ME:
1. I love to sing. In the car, the shower, anywhere I am I sing. It brings me peace!
2. My 2 year wedding anniversary was on Monday. I love my hubby dearly
3. I have an obsession with collecting makeup.
4. I like to swim but don't want to get my hair wet! LOL
5. I am a very loving and loyal friend.
6. I have my Master's Degree in Public Health but I can't find a job in my field. I am open to any job leads.
7. Me and my hubby have baby fever but we are waiting until I loose more weight.
8. I am excited about the cruise I'm about to take with my family.
9. I love men with bald heads ( that's why Tyrese is my pretend baby daddy)
10. I am freaking awesome!
So now that boggers that I nominate are:
1.purple_moonflower123 over at It's Not a Diet, It's a Way of Life
2. Paula over at Madame: The Journey of a Weight Loss*ista
Thanks again Erin.
Peace and Blessings
Hello world!
4 years ago
You're welcome.