Friday, June 24, 2011

My Very First BYOC

It's FRIDAY so that means it's BYOC - Bring Your Own Crazy! We answer a couple of questions in an effort to get to know each other better and to give our blogging brains a break! Copy and paste and answer in your own blogs if you'd like!! ENJOY!!

1. What’s your favorite room in your house?
Right now since I had to move in with my mom for finacial reasons my favorite room in the houe is the bathroom.  Yep that's right.  Its the only place where I have a little peace. Sometimes I jsut sit in there and have a moment.  Take my time. Look in the mirior at myself. It's my place of solitude. 

2. Picture question (or describe if you don't have a camera). Show us a pic of your current favorite earrings!
My favorite pair of earrings are some that i purchased form Burlington Coat factory.  They are like seperate leaves all attached to a ling back and are all danlgy and shinny and awesome.  I may add a pic later so you can see cause I know my description sucks.

3. What’s your dress code at work? If you stay at home and went back to work outside the home, what dress code would you prefer?
So I work for the city of Augusta, Ga and they provide all my work clothes.  I wear steal toed boots and dicky work pants with t-shirts with the city logo on them.Needless to say I hate the dress code and even more than that I hate my job. BUT I am greatful i have on in these times. 
4. Summarize your week in real life and in blog land.
In real life I have been trying to get back on track twith my eating but I am still loosing weight. Also my loving hubby bought me a Kindle and I am soo freaking stokd about it.

In the bloogasphere I have been absent but that is changing as we speak. 

As always,

Peace and Blessings Divas
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What the Macaroni Salad???????

OMG Divas is has been entirely too freaking long since I post on this blog.  I have been super busy and I just have been neglecting my blog Divas. 

So firstly let me just say that even though I was absent on my blog I was NOT off plan with my weight loss journey.  I did gain a little weight while I was on my cruise but I had an amazing time so I am not beating my self up about it.

Speaking of my cruise, it was excellent.  I enjoyed every bit of the sights and the food that was offered on that cruise ship.  This was my hubby and my first real vacation together as a married couple and we had a fantastic time.  Pics with be in a later post so you can see all the wonderfulness.  LOL

When we returned from the cruise I was still in vacation mode and eating any and everything that I wanted. I have finally gotten my life together and am back on track with my weight loss. 

There will be several post coming up soon, to include a little confessions post about random stuff.  So Thanks for hanging in there with me Divas and I promise to be back on the posting.

Love ya
Peace and Blessings
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yes Yes I know that I have been a bad blogger. I am soo sorry that I have been neglecting my blog.  I have been in a slump for a couple of weeks now and I can't seem to shake it.  I am still on track and loosing wwight but my mind set just hasn't been the same as it was in the begining.  I am not sure if I have just gotten comfortable with this weight loss jouney and I am being a lacker or if there are some deeper rooted emotional issuse that are keepng me from my full potential. I hope my vacation next week will help bring me  some clarity and also remotivate me to contiune this journey.

Speaking of vacations I am soooo freaking excited about going on a cruise next week.  Woooo Hooooo.

We will be sailing on the Carnival Sensation. Just look at it.  I can imagine my self lying on the deck sipping a sparkling water and enjoying the sounds of the ocean.  

 This is a most needed vacation and I cannot wait to take a ride on this water slide that is on the boat. 

Man I am too ready.  

Please don't be afraid I will still be in my journey mode but I will not place any restrictions on myself. I plan to fully enjoy this crusie and all the wonderful food (in moderation).  

On another note, have you checked my ticker lately.  That's right people I am 1.2 lbs away from loosing 60 lbs in 5 months.  I am so proud of myself and that accomplishemnt. Who would have thougt that 5 months in I would be 18lbs away from my first big goal which is to be under 300 lbs. That is quite an accomplishemtn.  Hopefuly I will have another update before I leave for my crusie, if not then I'll make sure to check in when  I return with pic and a recap of the weekend.  

Peace and Blessings Divas. 

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